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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trying to find my way out...

I am a firm believer in pulling yourself up and getting on with life. I have a family history depression. I have been diagnosed with depression several times in my life. I can feel myself sinking again. Denial is really not a friend and yet, for some reason, denial stays so close.

I have been in Allan's challenges and will try to hang on through this current one. I am staying with my food intake. The calories are not hard for me. Making those 1200 calories count with good food, a little bit tougher. I read the weight loss blogs almost every day. I rarely comment because I don't usually have anything new to add to them that other readers haven't already said.

I also find that I am not having much trouble with the fluid long as I keep most of it to decaffeinated tea sweetened with splenda. I have realized that even frozen yogurt doesn't count as fluid. (I know, most people already knew that, I was just looking for excuses.)

The moving that is on the current plan also isn't much for me. However, I have been beating myself up because I haven't been to the gym since September. How do I really think this last 40 or so pounds is going to come off if I don't get back to the gym? If just hoping caused weight loss, we would all be rail thin, right?

So last night I packed my gym bag and put it by the front door. I set the alarm and made a list of the few things I had to do before I left. I got up this morning (without hitting the snooze button) and got to my list. I made the kids lunches, got dinner ready for hubby to put in the crock pot when he got up, and made it out the door by 515am.

Today is a new day. I think I have to stop looking ahead and just look at the now. I am hoping that the exercise will renew my spirit in spite of myself.


  1. A friend of mine teaches a personal growth class and uses this analogy often: Say you are driving to the coast (whichever one is furthest from you) and you start off at night. Your headlights only shine so far, right? But they shine far enough for you to make the next choice in direction. And as long as you know where you are going, all you need to worry about is the next few yards (or steps)in front of you.

    Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Even baby steps can get you where you want to go, as long as you are facing the right direction.

    Hang in there!!

  2. Thanks Anne! It has been a tough week, yet again. I haven't made it back to the gym. I have lost one stinking pound this week. I really appreciate the kind words and encouragement. I needed that.

  3. Good for you for making it to the gym. I kind of have to make my own gym at home but it works when I make myself use it.:)

  4. Thanks Karen. I made it one day. I am determined to go back starting next Tuesday. It isn't close to my house but close to my work and I work Tues-Friday. I have an elliptical at home but I never use it. Good for you for getting out and making it happen.
